london speed

Table of contents

we’re going to london!

a bangtidy email flew in a couple of days ago. good for age! good for london! its marathon time next year. dont wanna put a time on it. dont wanna put a time on it. don’t wanna put a time on it. 2:40.

so athlete’s village?

sorta caveman. sorta the same. house was lost. but that story is for another day

so how’s psych

well psych is almost over. each morning felt like a proper mother’s coffee morning but each day, pick up on the physical bits and attend the reviews and you actually get to learn a fair bit.

capacity. risk assessment. catatonia. dysregulation. prodromal psychosis. institutionalisation. autism. adjustment. thought block. gender dysphoria.

just a series of small pictures on what all this stuff is. and come the end i actually quite enjoy psych. only 5:2’d once - which i’m sorta quite proud about.

and of course a sprinkle of ward politics. but you know im still up for a fight.

so what’s next

the 9 to 5 becomes the 5 to 9. to A&E we go. sorta the job i’m most excited for over across these two years. the turnover, the adrenaline, the support, the feedback. got a bit too used to being the consultants’ little secretary bitch. and i ain’t no bitch.

so are you quicker?

1.23 on a half marathon a week and a bit ago.

so you’re slower, deskilled and still in hospital accom?

we’ve heard this story before. see you in summer.

a year ago


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