so you're a runner then

Table of contents

a bit of scene setting

Memes i will hunt you down

So you’re a runner?

Yeah, I mean I had a tearful emotional moment on Wednesday night. When it dawned on me kinda that I am who I am. I am a fucking runner. I can fucking run.

So what?

To continue to be you. Try and be a source of happiness - identify friction points in life and tactfully find a way to address it. But more simply just do your fucking job. Because feedback has been amazing - Mr Rutter’s tip - you can do whatever you set your mind to - but given your potential to do anything, you’ve also got the most potential to fuck things up. Yep that’s gonna stick.

Is that it?

Well be there for your seniors. Seniors are seniors. They may appear firm and tough - but they are a bit cushy on the inside. Only half an hour ago they were juniors too.

So you’re a good people person?

Nah, still a waffler.

So you’re still a waffler?

I guess I really haven’t changed. Just embraced more of who I am.

So what this week’s takeaway?

Find a way to enjoy every hour - for me having a purpose and doing something towards my own health or future goals. Don’t take yourself too seriously - credit barry hearn for that tip. Things will work out for you. Just keep chatting shit and running around.


fail well

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