two goals for medical school

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at halftime of med-school

so back in 2018 - i came up with three goals. three goals for medical school. goals that i had not quite achieved during three years of biomed at plymouth and a year of masters at cambridge. they were:

  • becoming president of a society - managed it in 2018
  • finishing at the top of the class - this was always gonna be a bit too crazy
  • a publication - got a summer research project in 2019 but could not convert it

so let’s change ’em

  • Top 10%
  • a publication

so what’s the plan?

how much are you willing to give up. how much time. just two years left at university. just gotta make the most of it.

and when its all done - don’t forget about the cool stuff you’ve done along the way - society leading, summer research, full-time healthcare assistant work and all the incredible people you’ve met.

not really a plan there young man - we’ll discuss that later.

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