bottom decile

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highs and new lows

Assignment 1: 89%
Short Answer Paper: 59% - 389th out of 421 students.
Single Best Answer Paper: 59% - 320th out of 419 students.

okay so its not bottom decile exactly but its pretty damn close. its meeting with the supervisor territory nonetheless.

reflecting on this.

My exam results have set new lows for my ranking within the cohort. after whacking out notes per learning outcome and pumping out flashcards with the aim of boosting my long-term retention of pre-clinical material, we’ve got some bad marks. i think i’ve been a bit too radical in my revision style - going straight to flashcards instead of my usual write and condense.

during both exams, i just felt unable to apply what i’ve learnt. i think just the raw recognition of facts on these cards rather than a closer understanding of concepts or models is what really cost me. i just couldn’t connect the links. a bit abstract but hey that’s kinda what i feel really.

it feels a bit costly but looking back, but i’m glad I’ve experimented. for now: A Charity Pub Quiz to prepare for! [Very Abstract!]


insights from the phd boys

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