failure cv

Table of contents

the problem

It all looks so attractive. People’s LinkedIn’s. Elaborate Experiences. Plethora of Skills. Hundred of Connections. Its a narrative that we all get inspired by - a series of successes when we often hide away our failures, especially on social media.

Just keep trying and trying and trying again until you succeed!

Its a trendy piece of advice we often get from those who have managed to successful. But we only really ever see the successes and rarely the documented failures.

failure cv

in my endless quest to see what others have done - inspiration in academia and all thact. i came across this ide - melanie stefan, a lecturer at Edinburgh University.

Within science, failure is inevitable. Our experiments go wrong, our projects go wrong and scientific careers are rarely streamlined with triumph. As Melanie Stefan, a lecturer at Edinburgh put it ‘it reminds you of the missing truths, some of the essential parts of what it means to be a scientist.’

A Failure CV is a trendy idea and it certainly acts to inspire others that this is what it has taken to get here. Its on hard-copy. Its in the public and I’m not afraid to talk about it. And why should we? We’ve all had them? We’ve all had mental and physical cost due to them. To learn to cope with failure may help us overcome future failures that can often seem oh so likely.

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