goodbye uni
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well goodbye uni
that’s it? surely you’ve got some shit to say.
over nine years of uni what you learnt then?
mate mental health is real. maybe i wasn’t aware of it back in 2014. a bunch of biomed bros. but if i had to estimate - 1 in 2 of my uni mates have a diagnosed or are currently managing a mental health condition - be it depression, anxiety or anything else really. its prevalent and needs to be talked about more.
so how do you deal with it?
well good people. good people associate themselves with good people. its funny - when you see someone in the year group. a little bit of your assessment of them is by who they hang out with. if the people they’re hanging out - are objectively good people - well guess what - more than likely that’s a good person.
right what’s a good person?
someone that listens to others. don’t be forceful. don’t be stubborn. give others an opportunity to speak. and better still - pay attention to those who don’t speak - they might be introverted and guess what introverted people will have useful shit to say because they spend more of their time thinking rather than speaking. maybe something i should try
good people also encourage others. its the small things. its the compliments. guys don’t give other guys compliments - nearly as much as girls - but when you do - its fucking real. so yep dish it out.
trying to do good for the purpose of being good can be energy consuming. so be you. just be aware people will care for you - just give them back what they put in.
so nine years are up - what have i learnt?
just be authentic - be you. nothing can replace it - and if you stinks - soz mate sort it out
flat harmony - build it
be instinctive - if something feels right - then it probably is. you feel like a run? just go for it man.
and what are you gonna do differently
- Be impeccable with your word. You’ll chat shit daily but emphasise the points that you wanna make sure stick.
- Not everyone has to like you - it’s actually quite self-defeating to aim for that
- Ask others what they would do - others have great perspectives and often more experiences - listen attentively.
- Sleep well and listen to your head, not just your body. If you feel tired mentally - that will affect your body.
- Continue to have fun. can’t compete against someone having fun.