end of cambridge

Table of contents

end of cambridge


so on the wine now?

  • smash the servers
  • the breakfast club
  • learn from others
  • learn ahead
  • if you can’t be …
  • memes

smash the servers

my thesis is computer-based. programming in a language called r - looking at trends in genetic data to better identify particular cancer types. so it requires a fair amount of heavy duty code. some of this code will actually take down one of the servers through one of your server requests. your cambridge supervisor will actually be impressed.

fun fact years ago back in 2014 at plymouth, you’ll do a similar thing and crash the computer due to data overload. your supervisor wasn’t so impressed. i believe departmental budgets is the big difference.

the breakfast club

halfway through the year. amongst the nine of us, four of us would regularly attend breakfast in the morning. i was on the move and would rather shovel in cereal first thing.

at the year’s end. we all sat down and noticed a trend. those who attended breakfast regularly got first class degrees. those who did not got 2:1s. i got a 2:1. tldr - join the breakfast club.

learn from others

college has been so much fun. but what’s made it fun has been the people. along with all the formals, summer garden parties, weekday club nights - its the regular sitdown meals with the lads. everyone’s slogging it out - working to deadlines and you may not see a guy for a couple of weeks - but those moments together were so special. it was simply effortless conversation.

well one time with a mate. we came from formal and just hanging out in the foyer. he’s like man ‘if you can’t be the smartest, if you can’t be the best-looking, then what are you?’ i didn’t really have an answer at the time. but i think i’d aim to be the most happy.

learn ahead

just noticed that if i did a bit of work before a module - it really did reflect in my marks at the end. the material is dense and churning through it is hard if you haven’t some basic ideas of what’s going on. may have taken me four years of uni to really realise this but yep i’m glad i appreciate it now.


guess what. you’ll make a meme page - about your college - and you’ll get more likes than attending students in the college. heck even the cool kids will end up liking the page.


next - rejection #4 but interview #2?

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