Building Societies
Table of contents
Building Societies.
Capitalised this one. Societies are pretty cool. Its a bunch of people coming together over similar interests. Give people an opportunity to speak, get people excited to contribute with a sprinkle of creativity and boom you’re gonna have a fun time.
keeping it fresh
been motoring through the wards - just getting more experience. experiencincing close to a full length day with nurses, junior doctors, core trainees and consultants in a variety of wards and departments. different places, different people, different ward-based cultures - its all pretty fresh and exciting at durham.
society cultures
kinda feel that each of these three societies have distinct cultures.
Academic Medicine - A highly committed society committee (i mean with a society title with this name you know you’ve got some keen beans in it) and currently a really flexible President - easy to reach and empowering others. My role - Liason Officer, ex-President.
Haematology-Oncology - A new society with a load of final year students (they got lots of shit going on but damn cool they’ve set this up). An easy-going President happy to support a lot of my random ideas. My role - BONUS Representative (organising collaborations with other universities’ oncology societies).
Emergency Medicine - An empire of a society that puts on fortnightly patient-based simulations. The biggest medical society in Newcastle by student members. And a passionate committee with real structure and youth. My role - Web Designer, ex-Charity and Social Secretary.
so what have i learnt
- Structuring meetings - i mean you can easily cover all the major society news in 15 minutes so 15 minute meetings is really all you need.
- Recognising skillsets - who’s great at front of house, who’s great at details, who’s a reliable pair of hands.
- Day team players - who says your committee is all you have? make a day committee.
- Team leader or team cheerleader - just give everyone an opportunity to speak. somehow someway. whether that’s pub socials, pizza eat-ins or drinks even before an event. you’re at uni you’ve got the time.